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Monday, February 13, 2012

How to Use Water Spells

Water spells are based on one of the main universal elements. The others are fire, earth and air. Fire spells have become very popular due to the associations with power that fire has, but water spells are certainly not to be underestimated. They are gentler but no less powerful in their reach. All you need to do is to picture the inner tranquillity that a pond in a country garden can bring, through to the great force of a storm at sea. Water brings life, covers our planet and bewitches the soul! So how can water spells be used and at what times should you be using them?

Types of Water Spells The most obvious water spell is one that simply uses water as part of the ritual, and it will often be held in a goblet or chalice upon your altar. There are ways to prepare the water if it is to have a key role (more of that below).

Goblets And Chalices

Many excellent water spells I have worked with use the reflections of the light in the water. This is to do with the impact it has on your inner energies and can be part of a spell that you have written to include contemplation. It increases your ability to tune into your thoughts, desires and feelings. It will then bring greater powers to the proceeding part of your spell work.

Scrying with water (hydromancy) can be used for spiritual visions or divination purposes. You can use this in combination with a written water spell in order to give you greater clarity on the subject matter of the spell. For example, you may want some guidance on love to help to focus your direction. You can look into the water to see if any visions come to you, or you can drop a pebble into the water to see if the effect on the water resonates with you in some way. If so, this will bring images to your mind that you can then use.

What Can Water Spells Be Used For? Water spells are great for healing or for when you need to calm the soul or create peace in a situation. Water is of course very cleansing and so you can use this to work towards new beginnings and moving on from negative situations.

Water can also be used for increasing your intuition. This can guide you in life but will help you with your spell casting as it will enable you to feel what is working for you and what isn't. It will also help you if you need a spell to help bring you answers to some burning questions in your life!

Water spells are also good for love. Think of the ebb and flow of the tide or the depth of the sea and you will see how love and water has become closely related. Nothing toys with your emotions as love does so you can use water spells here to help you change the direction of a love situation.

What to Use for Your Water Spells Incorporate blues and silvers into your spell if possible. Clear will also be effective. This can be achieved in your use of crystals.

Use nature for the setting of your water spell if you can. The sea, a river or stream is perfect but make sure it fits with the tone of your spell. For example, calm will be best achieved by a slow moving stream. If this is not possible you can use holy water, water that you have consecrated yourself with a ritual, or water that has been left out to absorb the power of a full moon. If you choose this latter option, try to use the water on the same night or the next.

You may be drawn to water spells and also be especially adept at them if you are born in the sign of Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces. If you are one of these signs and have not tried a water spell, then you will be surprised at how 'at home' you will feel!

How to Use Water Spells tree blue Christmas Story Nightlight

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